Something Old-New...

Hello again, how are we?
I hope everyone hasn't run out of snacks yet :) and of course staying healthy.  I, myself am doing well, I thankfully haven't eaten all the snacks yet...heh.

But just this past weekend (and the one before) my family and I (mostly my mom) were going through our garage and at the very, very back of our garage there are about 20 boxes of stuff from all sorts of years some from our past moves, other stuff from when my parents were kids. For a handful of years now we have had this treasure in a large box.

Here it is...

A antique beauty amirite ?! You know what's even crazier? IT WORKS (even the ink ribbon!!).  And it's been sitting for ages! It's a miracle!!

I gave something along the lines of an intro for this guy.

And yes, I did give him a name.
I have no shame

Here is its little introduction paper (i'll type it out for those who can't read it, no worries) :

It says:

Hello, my name is:
I am a Remington Standard NO. 10 Typewriter.

My age is a mystery, based on research I could have been made around the year 1914.

Therefore approximatively 106 years.                                                                                                                                                                               I am old.

So yes he is old, safe to say an antique. I tried to figure out what year he was built based on the serial numbers on the Typewriter Database, and unfortunately his particular serial number did not come up. And the typewriter that might be the same one they don't know the serial number or the year for it. So yea, Remmy is a mysterious old chap. Still kickin' though. Also he is extremely loud (especially when you have to have a little bit more oomph behind the typing because the letters won't be clear otherwise).

If anyone has any suggestions about how to find his age please let me know, I would be very grateful for such information.

Very happy to have found this little *coughcoughImeanveryheavy* gem.

Although as much as I want to use it all the time I don't want to waste the precious ink on nothing of value, should I write a short story? I don't know? please let me know in the comments :)

Fun Fact: my Grandfather bought him for 10$ at a stationary store!!!! You can never find them for anything close to that price anymore!

May your homes always be filled with snacks,
Mia Allen


  1. This discovery is so remarkable and I love the letter that you created as if the typewriter is speaking! I think you should write the story on a device first until you perfect it, they type it up on the Remington and frame it. Or maybe, it could be a poem, or a song? This find, this post, and you are truly treasures worth finding!


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